The Salem Summer Symposium is a week-long series of events dedicated to celebrating Magical Education, Commerce, and Community throughout the city of Salem. The Symposium is being organized by The Cauldron Black, Spiritus Arcanum and Justice the Wizard. nOur intention work with select local Salem businesses to participate in and sponsor this city-wide collaborative event. We are looking to local businesses to be represented by volunteering as venues for workshops, rituals, and presentations, be an active part of our city-wide Scavenger Hunt and take part in our Witches Pub Crawl. nInspired by Nemoralia, Festival of the Ancient Goddess Diana, and in honor of the anniversary of The Cauldron Black’s store opening (August 2017), this festival is intended to create sacred space for the exploration, celebration, and acceptance of Magickal & Occult practice, commerce, community and activism throughout the city. The Salem Summer Symposium exists to foster the perspective of Salem as a sacred pilgrimage site of important history, education, and spiritual nourishment. All spiritual traditions and levels of experience are welcome to participate. nWednesday, August 7nSalem Summer Symposium Welcome Dinner nThursday, August 8nLucky Lemon with J.W. Dotson M.D.nPagan Conceptions of the Self with KadmusnTarot 101 with Jennifer LapierrenEclipse Oratorio: Bad Seeds, Nate Speare & Mythopoetic AstrologynH. P. Lovecraft: Fact vs Mythos in the Occult World with Mani C. PricenThe Morrígan: Meeting The Many Faces of The Great Phantom Queen with Julia Penelope and Gwen WalshnSalem Witch Power Immersion – with Nick DickinsonnA Light in the Dark: An Introduction to Candle Magic with Matthew VenusnThe Night Queens with J.W. Dotson M.D.nSacred Pleasure with Gwen WalshnThe Demonization of Women in History and the Rise of Modern Feminism with Jacqui Allousie-RobergenTransatlantic Cunning: English Magic in the American Colonies with Dr. Alexander CumminsnHäxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages Film Screening & Panel nFriday, August 9nAn Introduction to Jewish Magic – the Magical Scriptures, Amulets & Teachings of the Children of Israel with Brother MosesnAstrology Chart Reading 101 with Jennifer LapierrenDouble Trouble Geomancy Power Hour with Dr. Alexander Cummins & Sam Block (polyphanes)nYou Put What in There?! the Historical and Practical Use of Witch Bottles with Julia PenelopenTalismanic Creation in the Solomonic Tradition with Mani C. PricenThe Role of Magic in a Pagan Cosmos with KadmusnAstro-Dramas: Planetary Rhetoric in Action with Nate Speare & Mythopoetic AstrologynThe Fundamentals of Conjuration – Working with Spirits with Brother MosesnWitches Flying Ointments with Kris GurkynPower Mapping For Magical Activism with Sarah LyonsnGeomantic Divination and Theurgy with Sam Block (polyphanes)nAntilux: A Night of Immersive Ritual Theater Performance at the Witch House nSaturday, August 10nIntroduction to Herbalism: Teas, Extracts, Oils and Salves with Sheilagh CruickshanknPlaying Cards in Hoodoo, Rootwork, and Conjure with Professor Charles PorterfieldnCBT for Occult Practitioners (Intermediate) with Aria Michaels ParadisenIntroduction to Geomantic Magic with Dr. Alexander CumminsnHerbal Infusions for Mind, Body, Soul with Master Red FoxnMissed Call from Your Local Spirits with Elizabeth AutumnalisnMagic for the Resistance with Michael HughesnHerbal Folklore: Uncovering the Histories and Mysteries of Our Local Plants with Sheilagh CruickshanknThe Crossroads: Center of the World with Professor Charles PorterfieldnWhy The Left Sucks at Magic (And How it Can Get Better) with Sarah LyonsnThe Mercato Delle Streghe Witches’ MarketnThe Black Cat Cabaret n Source: https://www.salem.org/event/salem-summer-symposium/2019-08-03/