47% of visitors to Salem included at least one member of their party age 55 or older.

84% of survey respondents report that having a range of volunteer opportunities in their community is important and 80% report that having opportunities to be involved in decision-making in Salem is important to them as residents.

12% of survey respondents reported that they did not have someone local upon whom they could rely.

One in every five survey respondents (20%) reported not feeling that opinions and thoughts of older residents are valued.

Over half of survey respondents (54%) reported that it is extremely important to them to remain in Salem as they age.

31% of Salem’s households have at least one individual who is age 60 or older.

56% of men aged 65 and older in Salem are veterans.

25% of residents aged 65 and older have either a bachelor’s degree or a graduate/professional degree.

35% of Salem residents aged 65 to 74 remain in the workforce; 5% of those 75 and older are also in the workforce.

Between the 2000 and 2010 decennial censuses, the share of older (age 65+) Hispanic residents more than doubled.

Among residents age 60 and older, 19% speak a language other than English at home.

In Salem, a majority of residents who are age 60 and older are women (63%), a somewhat higher share than is observed for Massachusetts seniors as a whole (56%).