Are you bored .. blue… in need of cultural stimulation
Or just need a break from the kids or from working at home?
Give yourself a “time out” for Jim McAllister’s LUNCHTIME LECTURES
Every weekday at noon
Half hour (plus) illustrated talks on Zoom
Only five bucks!
(see bottom of page for details)
Local history. Architecture. Humor. Art History. Photography. Biographical Sketches. Kitchen Sink.
Week One Schedule
Monday, April 27 “The Magic of Chestnut Street’s McIntire Corner”
A fun, fact-filled look at important buildings, businesses, architects, authors, artists, and abolitionists connected to lower Chestnut Street.
Tuesday, April 28 “Remembering Scrubrush”
A collection of very charming tales – and photos – from the life of one of Salem’s most beloved and well-known canines.
Wednesday , April 29 “Round the Common”
An “armchair tour” of the Salem Common neighborhood featuring architecture, social history and lots of photographs
Thursday, April 30 “Name Dropping Part One: Famous Salem Visitors”
Tracking the Salem comings and goings of James Audubon, Amelia Earhart, Barbara Streisand, Daniel Webster and dozens of other notables from all walks of life
Friday, May 1 A Visit to Baker’s Island”
A little bit of history, a handful of anecdotes, and lots of photographs of this very special – and very private – slice of Salem.
By reservation only. Reservations accepted only by email (culturecorner@gmail.com).
Please note I have limited the number of people that can access each talk. First come first serve.
With your reservation confirmation you will receive directions for accessing the Zoom talk site.
$5 per talk. Pay via PayPal (or make other arrangements via email) after your reservation is confirmed and prior to the lecture)