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Lunchtime Lectures with Jim McAllister (VIRTUAL EVENT)

May 20, 2020 @ 12:00 pm

Jim McAllister’s 


Every weekday at noon

Half hour (plus) illustrated talks on Zoom

Only five bucks!

(see bottom of page for details)


Week Four Schedule

Special Event:  “Cocktails and Culture” Lecture 

This Saturday, May 16   (5 p.m.)     

 “Magnificent, Maddening Montparnasse: Expatriate Paris in the Twenties”

Leaving Salem behind for a moment, we journey to a time and place where Hemingway Picasso, Stein, Stravinsky and many other artists, writers and composers helped usher in the age of modernism…


Weekday Lunchtime Lectures


Monday, May 18   “Three Generations of Service: The Bertram-Emmerton Clan”

John Bertram and his heirs used the fortune he made in the maritime trade to create Salem Hospital, the House of the Seven Gables museum/settlement, homes for aged, and other service institutions.


Tuesday, May 19   “Salem in Black and White”

A nostalgic selection of personal images of Salem public figures and local characters, businesses, and fairs and festivals – taken between 1978 and 1995


Wednesday, May 20  “The Seafaring Life”

The ”romance of the sea” belonged to authors and artists; many of those who lived and worked aboard ships had a different story to tell in their logs, journals and personal memoirs. 


Thursday, May 21    “Great Salem Stories”

Anecdotes ranging from the proverbial “sublime to the ridiculous” culled from the vast collection of books written by local authors or about Salem in days gone by


Friday, May  22    “A Half-Century of Preservation in Salem 1910-1960”

A look back at the efforts of the many organizations and individuals whose efforts to save our architectural treasures bore fruit


All talks by reservation only!   Reservations accepted only by email (culturecorner@gmail.com). 

 Please note I have limited the number of people that can access each talk. First come first serve.

With your reservation confirmation you will receive directions for accessing the Zoom talk site.

 $5 per talk.  Pay via PayPal  (or make other arrangements via email) after your reservation is confirmed and prior to the lecture)


May 20, 2020
12:00 pm