Salem is going to the dogs…and cats and lizards and bunnies!
6th Annual Howl-o-ween Pet Parade/ Costume Contest – Now happening virtually! Submissions must be received by October 15th and voting will occur October 16 through October 22, awards announced on Fri. October 23rd.
Salem Main Streets is very pleased to produce the sixth annual Howl-o-ween Pet Parade. With the current restrictions and regulations, we are happy to announce a partnership with Creative Collective to revision this as a virtual event and contest until we can all gather safely in the future.
Participants this year can be from anywhere in the world and submissions can be submitted as photos or videos. The registration fee is $5 for Salem residents and $10 for non-residents. (Videos must be hosted elsewhere, we will be accepting links to videos, not files)
Register at the link below:
The 2020 Howl-o-ween Virtual Pet Parade/Costume Contest is sponsored by the Salem Halloween Museum and supported by The Lobster Shanty, Gulu Gulu Cafe, Flying Saucer Pizza, Koto, Emporium 32, and in partnership with New England Dog Biscuit Company, Witch Pix, and more!