The Full Moon is a time for reflection and gratitude. Each Full Moon brings to it a specific energy. This month is the Worm Moon – the last Full Moon of the Winter. This is the perfect time to reflect on what the darker months have shown us, and what we are taking away from this quiet time of solitude.
The Worm Moon has Virgo energy, making it a good time for looking at Intentions that are more on the practical side of life and realizing that these things can be met one by one to keep you from becoming stressed or overwhelmed.
Riutals at Maison Vampyre are open to everyone – no experience necessary. Participation is always encouraged, but not required. Observing and Absorbing is welcome!
Please feel free to bring any item(s) you would like to charge on the altar during the ritual to absorb the energy of the Worm Moon.
*All rituals are free for Dark Mirror members. For more information on membership, please visit: vampirehouse.com/darkmirror*