“Eclipse Oratorio: Bad Seeds” is an astrological forecast & interpretation of the 2019 solar and lunar eclipses, and their unifying themes, in a performative form inspired by Homeric epics, channeling, overtone singing and extended voice. The performer, Nate Speare, will interpret the 2019 eclipse cycle as connected to themes of orphans, child wounds, secrets, greed, tyranny, and potential for speaking to our inner child demons and nursing our wounds in a way that transforms these qualities. The performance will include direct audience interaction and will juxtapose literally extrapolated astrological interpretation with onomatopoetic vocal composition. nLearn more at SalemSummerSymposium.com n Source: https://www.salem.org/event/eclipse-oratorio-bad-seeds-nate-speare-mythopoetic-astrology/