Enhancing Your Mental Wellness: A Workshop for Older Adults

YMCA 290 Essex Street, Salem, MA, United States

Wednesday July 17, 2024 | 4 PM - 5 PM Ames Memorial Hall, Salem YMCA, 290 Essex St., Salem, MA 01970   Speaker: Mary Curlew, MSW, LICSW Join us for an enriching mental wellness workshop designed specifically for older adults. Discover practical strategies for enhancing your well-being and the well-being of those around you. Presented...

Coping with Loss and Change As We Age: A Workshop for Older Adults

Espacio 105 Congress St., Salem, MA, United States

Monday, August 26, 2024 | 2 PM - 3 PM Espacio, 105 Congress St., Salem, MA, 01970   Speaker: Mary Curlew, MSW, LICSW As we age, we often encounter changes, such as the loss of loved ones, declining physical abilities, or changes in our role and identity. In this workshop, you will learn to manage...