Come on down to Salem Willows Park for the 283rd Negro Election Day State Holiday Festival hosted by Salem United, Inc! Entry to the festival is free.
Parade will begin at 12:00 pm. Begins at Shetland Park, Salem MA,turns on to Derby Street, curves down memorial drive, down to fort avenue and then up to the corner of winter island and fort avenue.
Come enjoy:
Face Painting
Live music, welcome Lenny Clarke, as comedic headliner
Much more!
Parade Participants will be: Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, The Essex County Sheriff’s Office, League of Women Voters, U.S.S. Constitution to name a few. But for the kids, please have your parents bring you down to see Tessie of the Boston Red Sox. We have many more coming. But if you can’t come down and be a part of the parade, we will be streaming live from NECN and Peacock. Negro Election Day’s parade leader will be Salem’s own Chief Lucas Miller.
Festival grounds are wheelchair accessible. All ages, abilities, and orientations welcome! Come out and support the Inaugural holiday year and learn the history of the first black voting system in our country!