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Lunchtime Lectures with Jim McAllister (VIRTUAL EVENT)

August 21, 2020 @ 12:00 pm

Jim McAllister’s

Weekdays at noon
Half hour (plus) illustrated talks on Zoom

Wednesday, August 19. When the Going Gets Weird
Strange tales of ghosts and other strangers on the North Shore gathered from books, journals and personal accounts

Friday, August 21. Comings and Goings at Hamilton Hall
Fascinating facts and stories relating to this bastion of social and cultural life including debutante balls, assemblies, lectures, businesses and gatherings in honor of local and visiting dignitaries

******** SPECIAL EVENT *********
(One hour, $10)

Sunday, August 23 at 7 PM. There Was a Time: Salem in Black and White 1978-1995

More than 100 of my own photographs of Salem people and businesses – many no longer with us – neighborhoods and events from this exciting era in Salem’s recent history.

All talks by reservation (culturecorner@gmail.com). $5 per talk unless otherwise noted. Pay via PayPal to that email address or check (or make other arrangements)!


August 21, 2020
12:00 pm